Fabric Scraps to Fabric Treasure
Email sandymoorearts@gmail.com or call 503-841-8028 to schedule a class.

If you’re like most of us who love and work with fabric, you have an abundance of scraps; small, random, pieces of fabric too small to do much of anything with but also, too big to throw away. I’ll begin the class by share my system for organizing and storing scraps. Once you have tamed the chaos the fun can begin. It’s time to play with scissors - no running please! You will start by cutting your scraps into random shapes and sizes. Then, you will begin laying shapes, slightly overlapping each piece as you go, to create a pleasing play of color and contrast. This process is wonderfully fun and forgiving. You can arrange and rearrange your scraps multiple times until your inner critic quiets and you are pleased with your results. Using scraps this way is environmentally conscious, because you are repurposing fabric that might otherwise go to waste. It is also a celebration of your unique creative vision. When all the scraps been used, Voila! You have created new “whole cloth” fabric from your pile of scraps. The resulting recycled fabric, now bursting with new possibilities, can be transformed into anything you desire. Whether you envision a heart shaped applique or another unique creation, the choice is yours. Don’t miss this opportunity to explore the potential of your scraps and the art of repurposing. Classes are 3 hours long. Materials provided include: silicone mat, serger tweezers, iron, ironing board and mat, sample projects, fabric scissors, Lite Steam-a-Seam2 Supplies to bring to class: your stash of scraps and zip lock bags in a range of sizes, sandwich to gallon
Sandy Moore Arts
2200 Northeast 44th Street, Washougal, WA 98671, USA